Huwebes, Oktubre 15, 2015

The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning

      Technology serves as a medium in representing what the learner knows and what is learning .Technology serves as source and presenter of knowledge. It is assumed that knowledge is embedded in the technology.
With the eruption of the INTERNET in the 90’s communications and multimedia have dominated the role of technology in the classroom for the past few years.
Technology supports knowledge construction for representing learners’ ideas . information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing, and intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting.
In this lesson we learned about the roles of educational technology in learning and their two types of educational technology in learning which are the traditional point view and constructive point of view, when we say traditional point of view the technology serves as source and presenter of knowledge and the learners can learn from technology while the constructive point of view is the educational technology serves as learning tools that learners learn with and the learners learn together with the technology not from the technology.

                  When we summarized traditional point of view is the knowledge presented to the learners while in constructive is their is a partnership between the teacher and the learners. Here are some example of traditional point of view: by using the television you are watching about the pattern and steps of a dance so through watching on the said stepping you have already the knowledge on your mind, another in the computer you make a research on the said topic therefore after searching on it you have learned something.
                 While in constructive point of view it is already the application of the knowledge between the teacher and the learner, like for example after the teacher learned about the steps and the pattern of a dance this is the time that he or she thought and give exact knowledge to the learners on what he learned after watching the television.

From a constructivist perspective, the following are roles of technology in learning: 
( Jonassen et, al, 1999)

1. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.

  • For representing learners ideas, understanding and beliefs.
  • For producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners.

  •  2. Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning by constructing.

  • For accessing needed information.
  • For comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views.                                   
3. Technology as context to support learning by doing.
  • For representing and stimulating meaningful real-world problems, situation and context.
  • For representing beliefs, perspective, arguments and stories of others.
  • For defining a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking.
4. Technology as social medium to support learning by conversing.

  • For collaborating with others.
  • For discussing, arguing and building consensus among members of a community.
  • For supporting discourse among knowledge-building communities.
5. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting.
  • For helping learners to articulate and represent what they knows.
  • For reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know it.
  • For supporting learners internal negotiations and makings.
  • For constructing personal representations of meaning.
  • For supporting mindful thinking.      

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