Huwebes, Oktubre 15, 2015

Meaning of Educational Technology

Technology is a planned method of working to achieve planned outcomes a process of a product.

Educational Technology - refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their educational needs and desires such as learning.
-is a field study which is concerned with the practice of using educational methods and resources for the ultimate goal of facilitating the learning process.

Technology in education -- is the application to any of those involved in operating the institutions which house the educational enterprises. It includes the application of technology to food, health , finance, scheduling , grade, reporting, and other process which support education within institution.

Instructional Technology – is a part of educational technology . Instructional technology refers to those aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions.
Technology integration - means using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement, and extend skills.
Educational media are channels or avenues or instruments of communication.

Technology refers to all the ways people use their inventions to satisfy their needs.
So from it we can define Educational Technology
it is the art or craft of responding to our educational needs.

There are still many definitions of Ed.Tech as follows:
*use of all human inventions and discoveries to satisfy our educational needs and desires i.e. learning.
*devices, tools, equipment, educational media, activities, procedures and processes.
*instructional technology
*application of technology in the educative process that takes place in such educational institution.


Educational Technology as an invention has a great role to do in the process of teaching and learning as well. Educational technology is a great help in order for us teachers to be and students for now to learn faster and better through the trend of the developing technology.


Educational Technology can be used when we will become teachers. Our job would be easier because we would not bring some works at home which are very tiring. We can use computers, projectors,internet and other educational media in order to facilitate learning in the most effective way. It would be a good start for us to try this educational technology in order for our learners to be technologically updated and globally competent.

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